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500kN碳和石墨抗压强度试验机Tester for Compressive Strength of Carbon and Graphite

Source:  Time:2019/7/15 11:14:01  Hits:355
    500kN碳和石墨抗压强度试验机依据ASTM C695-2015设计制作,用于碳和石墨制品抗压强度荷载测定。高刚性、高稳定性、无振动冲击、流线型荷载机架;HRJ-Test英文版碳和石墨制品强度荷载软件;电源电压~480V±10% 60Hz;
ASTM C695-2015抗压强度测定附具;HRJ Tester;碳和石墨制品荷载试验速率3000psi;ASTM D7972-2014三点抗弯强度测定附具;5000N石墨炭素材料试验机;300kN石墨管抗压强度试验机;10kN石墨管抗折强度试验机;1000kN碳砖试验机;500kN碳和石墨抗压荷载试验机;5kN碳和石墨制品抗折荷载试验机;碳和石墨拉伸应力应变试验方法;HRJ Tester;四点负荷法测定炭及石墨制品挠曲强度;石墨电极芯挠曲断裂模数标准试验方法;石墨管件检验标准;GB/T1431碳素材料耐压强度测定;GB/T3074.1石墨电极抗折强度测定;GB/T3074.2石墨电极弹性模量测定;GB/T8721炭素材料抗拉强度测定;GB/T1427-2016炭素材料取样方法;HRJ Tester;ASTM C1106-00(2012);ASTM C904-2001(2012);ASTM E4-2016;ASTM E74-2013a;ASTM C565-2015;ASTM C749-2015;ASTM C651-2015;ASTM C1025-2015;ASTM D7779-2015;ASTM D4018-2011;ASTM C709;ASTM D7846-2016;ASTM C662-2016;CNS 2780;
    Tester for Compressive Strength of Carbon and Graphite;Tester for Flexural Strength of Carbon and Graphite;HRJ Tester;Carbon and Graphite Strength Tester;Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Carbon and Graphite;Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Articles Using Three-Point Loading at Room Temperature;Standard Test Methods for Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties of Carbon Brick;Standard Terminology Relating to Chemical-Resistant Nonmetallic Materials;Standard Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines;HRJ Tester;Standard Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring Instruments for Verifying the Force Indication of Testing Machines;Test at a uniform rate 3000psi(20.7MPa)/min;
    Carbon materials-Determination of the compressive strength;Method for the determination of the flexure strength of graphite electrodes;Method for the determination of the elastic modulus of graphite electrodes;Method for the determination of tensile strength of carbonaceous materials;Sample method of carbon material;Carbon Material Tensile Flexure Tester;Carbon Brick Testing Machine;Compression Flexure Testing Machine;Two-position Testing Machine;Material Testing Machine;Various Testing Machine;Laboratory Equipment;China Material Tester;Asia Material Tester;World Material Tester;International Type Material Tester;Testing Machines Manufacturer;Mechanics Tester Manufacturer;Tester Service Center;Tester Fittings Supply Center;Design and Manufacture Center;Special Test Accessories;HengRuiJin Testing Machine;


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